In this workshop, we’ll look at the collective cards of the year for 2021 and 2022 – the Hierophant and the Lovers cards – and discuss what they’re offering us communally.
We’ll also look at your personal cards of the year, how they relate to the collective cards and to your personal soul cards.
Welcome Lovers: Working with Your Cards of the Year in 2022
Time passes quickly. It’s easy to feel like life is passing us by.
Working with the Cards of the Year can give us an anchor point to help us slow time down and live more mindfully.
Our Cards of the Year function as teachers and guides. They can help us clarify our path, identify our intentions, and make use of the lessons and opportunities available to us throughout the year.
2021 was a Hierophant year. It asked: What were you studying? Did you show up as a student? Who are the keepers of your lineage? How do you want to carry that knowledge for future generations?
2022 is the Lovers Card year according to tarot numerology. The Lovers card helps us to make choices, bring things together, increase intimacy, see and be seen!
In this workshop, we’ll look at the collective cards of the year for 2021 and 2022 and discuss what they’re offering us communally.
We’ll also look at YOUR PERSONAL cards of the year, how they relate to the collective cards and to your own soul card.
In this workshop, you’ll learn rituals you can use based on your cards; what to do if you feel resistance to your cards of the year; and ways to form deeper relationships to the cards beyond the definitions provided by the “little white book” that comes with your deck.
Join us for this workshop if you’re ready to make the most of the Lovers Year!
This very special workshop will include:
- Replay of Lovers Card Ritual
- Journal Prompts to help you reflect on this past year, what you’ve learned, how you’ve grown, what you’re letting go of, and what the new year offers you
- Altar Strategies to help bring your intentions for 2022 into form
- Words of Power you’ll be able to use throughout the year to work with your cards and make the most of their offerings
- A chant, song and Gestures of Power for kinesthetic learners to work with the spirit of the cards in their bodies
- A tarot spread to help you clarify your goals, release your obstacles, and guide you on your path for the coming year
- Instructions on how to find out YOUR PERSONAL Card of the Year
- And a beautiful instructional PDF to organize your materials that you’ll be able to keep forever.
- *BONUS* replay of our Weird Circle Tarot Studio, in which we go through the Lovers Year tarot spread.
Our live ritual was Sunday, January 16th, 2022, at 11am PST. The replay is now available, along with the downloadable PDF and all the other goodies).
When does this workshop become available?
This workshop is immediately available for download. Once you purchase the course, you’ll automatically receive a PDF with links to the material.
Is this only for subscribers?
Anyone can join this workshop but subscribers to our coven at the Jupiter or Astral level to receive the workshop – until the next workshop drops – with the cost of membership. Subscribers also receive access to our monthly tarot studio classes and more. To find out more about how to become a subscriber, CLICK HERE.
Do you have to be present for the live workshop?
Nope, after we hold the live call you will receive a downloadable package that you can access anytime.
How do I purchase this workshop?
You click the link at the top of the page, or CLICK HERE to become a subscriber.
*Illustration by Leah Hayes