As the holidays arrive, we’re often thrust into social situations that can lead to discomfort and stress.
In this workshop, we channel the spirit of the Ace of Swords to help us honor our boundaries, speak the truth, and stay clear no matter what energy anyone throws at us.
As the winter holidays arrive, we’re often thrust into social situations that can lead to discomfort and stress.
In this workshop, we channel the spirit of the Ace of Swords to help us honor our boundaries, speak the truth, and stay clear no matter what energy anyone throws at us.
The Ace of Swords is about discernment. It helps us recognize what contributes to our thriving and what needs to be pruned away.
Despite the gnarly reputation of the suit of Swords as the suit of problems, in fact, the swords teach to stand in our power and make wise choices.
Whatever thorn brier seems to be blocking us in life, the Ace of Swords can help us find a path through it.
Join us for this workshop if you’d like to stay in the enchanted zone this holiday season (and beyond) and protect your energy from those who seek to harsh your vibe.
This workshop includes:
- A downloadable PDF you can keep and use to protect your energy forever
- A tarot spread for personal empowerment
- Simple rituals to clear your space
- Techniques for creating an atmosphere of thriving wherever you go
- A list of correspondences to help with your spells
- A protection meditation MP3 you can use at any time
- A chant, song, and simple movement you can use to keep your field clear
- AND a Live Call with a collective ritual to call in power and protection
Sign up now and receive your protection meditation and tarot spread immediately. The Live Call is Sunday, December 5, 2021 at 11am. (If you can’t be there live, don’t worry. Replay will be sent for download within 24 hours, with the PDF and all the goodies).
When does this workshop become available?
Immediately. As soon as your payment goes through, you will receive a link to the workshop – check your spam folders if you don’t see it!
Is this only for subscribers?
Heck, no! Anyone can join this workshop. *Though there are quite a few benefits to subscribing…
Subscribers at the Jupiter or Astral level receive all *new* workshops (not previous workshops – so for example: subscribers to our coven who were current in the months of November and December received this workshop) with the cost of membership.
Subscribers also get to access to our monthly Tarot Studio classes and more. To find out more about how to become a subscriber, CLICK HERE.
How do I purchase this workshop?
You click the link at the top of the page.
How do I become a subscriber again?
CLICK HERE ! We welcome you!
*Illustration by Leah Hayes